Tirana International Fair FAQs

1 Minute How-To Videos

1 Minute How-To Videos


How do I know what my password is?
As a visitor or team member, when you first access the platform you’ll be prompted to create a password after clicking on the activation link that was emailed to you. As an exhibitor, your email will contain a password rather than an activation link. 
Can I control which emails I receive?
Yes, After logging in, please navigate to Profile Info > Settings where to adjust your notification settings.
Can I block out times that I’m not available for meetings?
Yes. After logging in, please navigate to Networking > My Meetings where you’ll be able to adjust your availability by clicking the Meeting Availability link (to the right of the red Cancel button)
Where can I see my meetings? 
Under Networking > My Meetings you’ll see all of your meeting requests in all states - Confirmed, Canceled, Incoming (requests from others that you haven’t yet responded to) and Pending (requests you made that the other party hasn’t yet responded to).

To see just your confirmed meetings, along with any sessions or other events you may have added to your schedule, visit Networking > My Schedule.
How are my matches determined? 
The matching algorithm starts with registration data and learns over time based on user behavior as well as peer interests and behavior. 
If I’m an exhibitor, where can I download all of my company’s leads?
Both exhibitors and team members with admin rights can switch to the company profile the navigate to Profile Info > Download leads to download a full file of all leads, with the file showing which team member owns each of the leads. 
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